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Type Competition
Location Salt Lake City UT
Design Mike Albert, Aneesha Dharwadker, Fadi Masoud, Conor O'Shea, and Victor Perez-Amado
Awards Jury Finalist, People’s Choice Award Finalist, and Honorable Mention, Blocks 69/70: The Spaces Between International Ideas Competition (2013); ASLA Colorado Chapter Merit Award for Planning (2015)
Date 2013
Salt Lake City is located within a regional system of parks and natural water flows. This proposal, a rehabilitation of Blocks 69 and 70 in the downtown area, functions in relation to larger ecological and environmental factors in this region.
Four grid scales work simultaneously in the revived blocks: Micro Grid (major streets), Fine Grid (minor streets), Green Grid (ecological and recreational spaces), and Culture Grid (matrix of changing activity spaces). The “leftover” spaces in Blocks Sixty Nine and Seventy are programmed for diverse urban uses, like artistic performances and outdoor films.
Street plantings, pavement, and hidden infrastructure work together to improve storm water drainage and remediation on-site.
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